Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Curation is a project for managing lists of content.

This project is inspired by work I have been doing extending the nodequeue module. The nodequeue module does many things well, especially in that it integrates with views and in turn panels and so on.

The ultraqueue module will be intended to be more of it's own entity without all the integration to the heavy hitters like views, panels and context.

The hope is that the result will be something that makes it easy to make content types focused on curated content. For example, when a user has a page that has lots of touts or teasers to other nodes, that is often created as a content type with node reference fields that are then rendered into touts during preprocessing and displayed on the template. People also use panels to achieve this or nodequeue and views and context.

There are many ways to achieve this now in Drupal, but they often lead to editors or site admins having to manage lots of moving parts.

The idea here, is to make this process only as complex as it needs to be with a very focused module around curated content.

I have been working with Drupal for years and am long overdue to contribute a project.

Project information

  • Created by tannerg on , updated