Filefield sources Flysystem Configuration

Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

FileField Sources Flysystem

FileField Sources Flysystem module enhances the functionalities of Filefield
Sources module for Drupal 8.It allows you to connect with different filesystems
like dropbox, S3 etc uisng flysystem and you can select files from different
directories of that filesystem and upload it in you drupal storage. you can also
access files directly from remote storage by using "serve from your current

1) Place this module directory in your modules folder (this will usually be

2) Enable the module within your Drupal site.

3) Add or configure an existing file or image field. To configure a typical node
field, visit Manage -> Structure -> Content types and click
"Manage form display" on a type you'd like to modify. Add a new file field or
edit an existing one.

While editing the file or image field, you'll have new options available
under a "File sources" details. You can enable "File attach by Flysystem" and
configure "flysystem setting".

4) You can create a content that uses your file and try it.

Project information

  • caution Maintenance fixes only
    Considered feature-complete by its maintainers.
  • Module categories: Media
  • Created by rubela_shome on , updated