Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Security module for webClinic Pro subscribers. Automates process of implementing and maintaining website security.

Do not use on development environments/servers the functionality of this module was built for production environments online. Before installing verify that your website works via https.

This module requires a subscription with webClinic Pro. Please do not use unless you have a subscription first. Each subscriber will be authenticated by their domain and a subscriber key. Please contact a webClinic Pro Representative if you do not know or have lost your key.

To override Forced SSL add the following line to settings.php

$conf['webclinicpro_forced_ssl'] = 0;

In the case where your SSL mode has been disabled and you can no longer access the administration section of your site to disable the module you can do one of the 2 following things.

1. Use the above method to disable the module.
2. delete the module from your site.

If you can use the first option but if you can't edit your settings.php then deleting it will not break your site, but will leave some variables that are set by the module.

Project information

  • Module categories: Security
  • Created by jdrichmond on , updated