Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This module defines the Commerce Merchant entity and related features. It allows Commerce Product entities to be associated to merchant entities through an entity reference field, which the module automatically creates. This requirement, where products can be associated to different merchants, is a common element in marketplace-like websites.


Commerce Merchant User

This sub-module currently provides a user reference field to merchant entities that allows users to be associated to merchant entities.

Upon installation, all existing merchant types will have a user reference field and any new merchant type will automatically have a user reference field upon saving.

Commerce Merchant Product

This sub-module currently provides a view that lists all products associated to a merchant. Only users associated to the merchant can access the view.

Commerce Merchant Order

This sub-module currently provides a view that lists all orders containing products associated to a merchant. Only users associated to the merchant can access the view.


Install as usual, see http://drupal.org/documentation/install/modules-themes/modules-7 for further information.


Configure the product types that will have a merchant reference field:

Users can select the product types that should have a merchant entityreference field by going to admin/commerce/config/merchant

Project information