Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Views Argument Cache with Indexing is a Drupal 7 module derived from Views Arg Cache. Views Argument Cache with Indexing performs additional database storage of the cached view's arguments and there values which allows for additional filtering when performing a cache flush via the use of views_arg_cache_index_flush.

This module attempts to address one of the core problems of the Views Arg Cache contributed module. The problem is simply that developers are unable to trigger a cache flush for a particular cached view if the arguments of the view are only partially known.

Usage and Examples

Similar to the Views Arg Cache contributed module, the Views Argument Cache with Indexing only flushes its cache objects with a Clear All Caches invocation (e.g. drush cc all) OR with the implementation of custom code cache flushing.

Flush a view cache with all arguments

Most of the time, all arguments of a view that is to have its cache flushed are known. As a result, a developer may clear the cached objects of a view when all arguments are known by specifying the fourth parameter of views_arg_cache_index_flush named $args_match_full as a boolean TRUE. For example,

views_arg_cache_index_flush('my_custom_view', 'view_display_id', $arguments, TRUE);

Flush a view cache with partial arguments match

When a view's cache objects need to be flushed and only some of the arguments are known, the Views Argument Cache with Indexing module differentiates itself. Views Argument Cache with Indexing implements secondary storage tables in which the arguments of the cached view object are stored in association with the cache object's identifier allowing for easy partial match flushing to occur.

For example, perhaps you have a defined view that has two contextual arguments:

  • An organic group identifier, represented by gid.
  • A node identifier, represented by nid.

When this view is rendered, the results and output of the view are cached with a unique cache identifier represented in the following string format:


As a result, it is virtually impossible to clear the cache objects for all cached views who has the argument organic group identifier argument equalling one ($gid = 1;). Views Argument Cache with Indexing allows for such partial argument matching to occur. An example to clear all view cache objects with the organic group identifier value of one would be:

$arguments = array(
  'gid' => array(
    'value' => 1,
    'operation' => '='

views_arg_cache_index_flush('view_name', 'display_name', $arguments);


Views Argument Caching with Indexing's views_arg_cache_index_flush() function accepts a more structured array of arguments when performing partial argument matching for performing cache flushing. The array of arguments are specified as an two-dimensional associative array keyed by the argument name. Each argument array should contain:

  • value: The value to perform the operation on.
  • operation: The operator. Default value is equals (=).
  • having: A boolean value to indicate whether a sub-query should be performed for non-having arguments, matched with this having argument. Default value is a negative boolean (FALSE).
$arguments = array(
  'argument_name' => array(
    'value' => 'value-to-match',


The operators accepted for performing query matches are the same as the accepted database abstraction layer's conditional operators (e.g. equality =). They are:

  • Equal (=) or Not-equals (<>)
  • Less-than (<) and Less-than or equals to (<=)
  • Greater-than (>) and Greater-than or equals to (>=)
  • Like (LIKE)

When a LIKE operation is performed, the Views Argument Cache with Indexing performs the character escape on the specified value property using db_like() and concatenates the wildcard characters on the left and right hand side. For example, an argument defined as:

$arguments = array(
  'term_name' => array(
    'value' => 'ABC',
    'operation' => 'LIKE',

Would query all term_name named arguments whose values contain ABC. The LIKE operation is useful in situations where more than one value is accepted via a single argument (e.g. a list of taxonomy term identifiers).

Integration with Rules

Having the ability to flush caches with Rules upon certain actions is very important without the need to write numerous specialized actions for each View cached with the plugin available within. Using the Views Argument Cache with Indexing's integration with the Rules contributed module, a specialized action is provided so that upon the conditions of a Rule, cached views can be cleared that make use of this cache plugin.

Arguments specified as part of the action's configuration must adhere to the following format:

[argument-name] [operator] [argument-value]

Where [argument-name] represents the name of the view's contextual argument in which the [argument-value] is used in conjunction to the [argument-name] for generating the cached view's identifier. Similarly to performing the cache flush programmatically with views_arg_cache_index_flush(), the [operator] must be specified as well. Using the previously started example above, the same argument specification can be achieved in the Rules action configuration with:

term_name LIKE abc

Note: Each separate argument must be specified on its own new line.

Project information