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Typeit is javascript utility.

Typeit does work which you have to do with typeit javascript.

The advantage of using this module is you don't have to code js and you can simply enable the module and config it.

After enabling the module , Configure it from

How to config it?

Download the libraries from the this url
Typeit Libraries
Extract the file and place it in typeit folder.
Now the path must be
libraries >> typeit >> typeit_main.js

Please see the screenshot I have described it there how to add text.
And for another javascript values, there is description below the field.

After configuration, you have to put TypeIt block into the region you want.

The typeit effect displays on that page where you have been put you block.
To see how typeit effect work open the GIF from the attachment.

You do not need to do code with js for this effect this module just simply done for that effect.

why did I want to use it ?

Want to typeit effect on your banner then you have to use this module.

Project Url : Typeit

For git clone

git clone --branch 7.x-1.x typeit

Please Review,

Thank you

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