Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This module is intented to maintain Drupal core caching for multiple device
types simultaneously through interception and modification of the requested URL.
It performs device detection using the Mobile_Detect class, provided by the
required mobile_detect module.

Mobile cache also provides the capability to switch themes for mobile (and,
optionally, tablet) visitors.

The caching method should be compatible with alternate cache backends such as
memcached as well.

Varnish users may wish to detect and handle multiple devices
at the Apache level rather than at the application level, as I am not sure this
method is compatible with a reverse-proxy cache like Varnish due to the point
at which the URL is modified (likely too late in the request process). I have
not tested this, however.

Other modules that perform mobile-specific features, like theme switching, etc.
(although that feature is provided in this module in a simple fashion) should
be able to take advantage of the caching provided by mobile_cache.

NOTE: Currently, this module only supports Apache web servers. Support for others is likely possible, but I do not have an environment to test this in.

Project information