The 'Minimum Multiple Fields(MMF): Core Fields' module allows the administrator to specify a minimum number of Drupal core-fields to appear in the content add form.

This module specifically works for available default core-fields which are configured 'Allowed number of values: UNLIMITED'.

Agenda is to initially show a specific(say, 4) number of fields at content add form, against the default behaviour that shows only one field.

Although, it has some limitations.
Please check LIMITATIONS section for more details.

Also Check:
Minimum Multiple Fields [Field Collection] module.


This module currently supports following Drupal core-fields' widget:
* Textfield -[Text (plain)]
* Email
* Link
* Date and time
* Number (decimal)
* Number (float)
* Number (integer)
* Text field -[Text(formatted)]
* Text area (multiple rows) -[Text(formatted, long)]
* Text area (multiple rows) -[Text(plain, long)]
* Text area with a summary -[Text (formatted, long, with summary)]

MMF is not implemented for below fields as they have different meaning to 'Allowed number of values: UNLIMITED'.
In other words, widgets to these fields do not have ADD MORE BUTTON.
* Select List
* Check boxes/radio buttons
* Autocomplete
* Autocomplete (Tags style)
* Single on/off checkbox

We are still working to implement MMF for below fields' widget:
* File
* Image

Project information
