Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Move files from one file system scheme (e.g., public://) to another (e.g., s3://) during cron runs, using queues. Supports checking dependencies (like whether image style derivatives or converted videos exist) before moving files.

The main goal is to allow image and video files to be processed on the local public:// system for performance, and then moved at a later time to Amazon S3 where storage is cheaper and more abundant. But theoretically it could be used to move files to any other file system scheme so long as you have a stream wrapper implementation for it.

Dependency: http://drupal.org/project/amazons3

This is a very early version that is not fully configurable yet, and is primarily focused on getting images and videos to S3. Patches to help make it more configurable are welcome. But I likely won't have time to respond to feature requests without patches. I'm available for paid customizations of this module for your organization.

Project information

  • Module categories: Media
  • Created by aasarava on , updated