Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Use: For booking hotels using Booking.com.

Provides a field 'Hotel Booking' which accepts an integer value which will be the hotel_id from booking.com. The field is formatted as a form which accepts start and end dates and returns a list of rooms with their corresponding data and a select list for selecting the room with its quantity(1 room, 2 room, etc.) to be booked.
After the room list is displayed, users can select the rooms they require and submitting this form will open, below the room list, an iframe connected to booking.com, where user can book their rooms over a secure server.

* For using the module you must have the following -

  • Affiliate ID for Booking.com
  • Affiliate Username for Booking.com
  • Affiliate Password for Booking.com

* You can select the where the room info will be loaded in the page by providing the html element's id.
* The currency in which the room prices will be shown can also be selected.
* It provides various configurations for selecting which informations will be shown. The configurations correspond to the arguments accepted by the relevant booking.com function and the information returned by it.

The rooms list can be themed by overriding the module's theme function for the field formatter -

function mymodule_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
  $theme_registry['hotel_book_output']['function'] = 'mymodule_custom_theme_function';

You can simply copy the function theme_hotel_book_output() from the hotel_booking module and make you required changes or change the layout altogether.

Project information

  • Created by SGhosh on , updated