Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

Cache Entity Profile2 is Obsolete

See #2017685: Automatically create cache tables for entities that want to support entitycache.module for what appears to be the solution to entitycache cache table issues. It is not committed yet, so you will need to apply the patch. Please test the patch, and provide feedback in the related issue.

#2017685: Automatically create cache tables for entities that want to support entitycache.module has had the relevant patch committed. It is only in the dev branch currently.

Old Description

This module only has one purpose currently, it creates the
'cache_entity_profile2' cache table so that profile2 can use entitycache.
Currently, installing profile2 and entitycache will result in errors when a
user tries to cancel their account. This module fixes that, and allows profile2
entities to be cached. This module will only really be needed when using the
database as the cache backend, which is the default.

There is no configuration, you just install, and enable it. If you do happen to use it, please drop a comment in this issue. I'll also update that issue should I become aware of any issues this module may cause.

Please Note: Use Of This Module May Break Your Site In Future

When a fix for this issue gets committed to either entitycache or profile2, this module may break your site. I take no responsibility for this and it is up to you to ensure this does not happen. The current issue to follow seems to be #1387268: Profile2 entity cache table not created, causing PHP exceptions when saving/updating data

Seeing as this is a sandbox project, you need to follow the instructions under version control to obtain it.

Project information