Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.


This module adds a Baidu Map field type allowing the user to add maps to their entities that will be displayed using Baidu Maps, a mapping service similar to Google Maps.

A pin on the map can be dragged and dropped by the user while editing the field contents to choose a position to highlight, a description can also be provided which will be displayed as a label next to the pin.

HTML may be entered in the description field (such as
to add a line break to the label).

A search field below the map allows a location name to be entered, if the location is valid, the pin will be automatically moved to it.

If the field contains multiple entries, they will all be displayed on the same map when the field is displayed. The viewport will be adjusted to display all of the pins optimally.

The label styling and pin logo can be changed using the settings page.

To change the dimensions of the map when it is displayed, you can modify the
width and height of the .map_container element using css. The default size can
be found in the css/baidumap.css file in this module.


Drupal 7.x


After installing the module, set your Baidu API key on the settings page.

Project information

  • Created by Max Martin on , updated