Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

This module provides a way to add basic subscriptions functionality to Advanced Forums. It is a very lightweight alternative to installing the 4 modules: Subscriptions, Subscriptions Mail, Subscriptions UI and Taxonomy Subscriptions; if all you want is subscriptions for Forums.

It provides functions to subscribe to:
- All forums (global subscription, on the Forums page)
- Individual Forums (on the Forums page, not on the Topics page where the Subscriptions module puts it)
- Individual Topics (on the Forum Topics page)

Emails are sent to each user who is subscribed at the appropriate level when
- a new Forum is added
- a new Forum topic is added
- a new Forum topic comment is added

An additional tab is provided on the Forum tab menu to view your own subscriptions and optionally remove any subscriptions.

Answers to the usual questions:
Q: Why not contribute this code to Advanced Forum?
A: Advanced Forum 7.x-2.0 has reached RC state so feature set is locked. The maintainer will deal with major/critical bugs only.

Q: Can't this already be achieved with existing modules?
A: Yes and no. If you only wanted subscriptions for Forums then you could install the Subscriptions modules (with their relatively heavy payload) and disable all of its functionality for all content other than Forum content.
The downside is that the subscriptions module does not provide a link on the Forums page to subscribe to Forums, you would need to go to a Topic within that Forum first.
And also, the subscriptions module does not provide functionality to subscribe to All Forums, ie. it does not have global subscription capabilities.
So, if you only need subscriptions for Forums then this module may be a better fit.

Consult README.TXT for installation notes.

Further development

Two obvious enhancements that can be relatively quickly and easily added to this module are

  1. optional sending of emails via cron using queues, and
  2. ability to configure the text of the emails

I commit to make these enhancements provided there is enough interest in this module, and provided it gets approved as a full project of course.

Project information

  • Created by Bagz on , updated