Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

The Twitter Bootstrap Front Page module adds the iconic static top content box from the Twitter Bootstrap main Hero theme to any Drupal site using the Twitter Bootstrap theme. This module was created to kickstart more Drupal-Bootstrap integration.

This module is a theme enhancement module for the Twitter Bootstrap Theme.


This module does not require installation, only front-end WYSIWYG configuration. After download, turn on the module and a static block will automatically be added to the top of the content with the same theming as in the Twitter Bootstrap Hero Theme. The block can be customized through Structure > Blocks > Configure. You have the option to change the Title text, Sub-Title Text, and the URL that the Learn More button points to. On the configuration page, you might also want to set the pages the block is displayed on to to indicate only to display on the front page. The default is to display the block on all pages.


Twitter Bootstrap is a robust and elegent JS/CSS library released into open source by Twiiter in June 2012 to make building scalable, beautiful websites easier to develop and theme. There are many clean UX features in bootstrap, the most noticeable being the front page box that explains the site and has a simple button to click for more information. This module replicates that box as a Drupal block.

Next Steps

*The next step would be to built out a simple three column, one row grid of content under the large box, making the module+theme combo look almost identical to the Bootstrap Hero example. This could be tweaked to fit Drupal.
*If other developers build features from bootstrap into modules, we could combine them to make a full Drupal Bootstrap implementation.


*Twitter Bootstrap Theme

Project information