Experimental project

This is a sandbox project, which contains experimental code for developer use only.

A starter theme for Drupal 8 and Semantic Web Lovers

Stay tuned for more!
It will be awesome, you can count on it!

This theme is to be forked and create something really awesome and not used as a Base theme.

Note: Please don't ask for [Bootstrap] or [Foundation] integration on this theme.
There are already great projects on that:

The intended audience of this starter theme is for people that want total control on their website presentation.


  • Node 4+
    • gulp-cli
    • bower

What it will provide:

  • for CSS, _using Sass of course_

How to use it:

First, on your development box, modify your `web/sites/default/services.yml`
to force reloading all stuff related to your theme.
Make sure you don't do that on the production environment as that takes a huge performance hit.

To develop, make sure you have the most recent Node stable or LTS version.

In the theme folder, run:
`npm setup`

The theme expects that you use the Drupal console server.
For custom setup, edit `config.json` to your needs.

In the theme `info.yml` change the base theme to `Stable` if you want less markup.
By default I choosed Classy as more explicit html output doesn't hurts and fits
better the majority of websites.

To work, run `gulp` and as you work, watch the magic happening in your browser.
A new browser tab/window will be opened with BrowserSync injected.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information

  • Created by imadalin on , updated