yui 6.x-1.1-2

Doxygen improvements http://drupal.org/node/266934
Admin page uses non-existing permission name http://drupal.org/node/266938
No need to include common.inc in yui_init() http://drupal.org/node/266943

yui 5.x-2.1

moved the skin addclass javascript code to the core yui module
added an admin setting so that user can set the skin.

yui 5.x-1.4-2

v 1.4.2
added block type "Website Left Nav With Submenus From JavaScript"
changed page.tpl.php example for foliage & bluebreeze.
assigning submenu item to right menu item.

yui 5.x-1.4

Two issues fixed
- menu links need to be re-coded
- Pathauto support

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