Youtube Gallery configuration page
Youtube Gallery information page
Youtube Gallery full page view
Youtube Gallery upload video

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module allows retrieving youtube channel videos on the website.

It will helpful module for those who want to integrate own youtube channel videos to the website in less time.

This module very useful for News Channel, Educational, Entertainment, Social, etc. because they upload videos to youtube on daily basis. You can easily integrate youtube with the website.

No need to upload videos to the server, directly upload videos to youtube channel and retrieve to the website with the using of this module.


Go to from Google Developers Console click on Youtube Data API and get new api key.


  • Running drush en -y youtube_gallery will download/enable the module and the libraries in libraries folder.
  • Then run "composer update" inside of the google-api-php-client folder.


Youtube Gallery

Download with drush command :
drush en -y youtube_gallery

Supporting organizations: 
Development, Themeing

Project information
