Application settings form
Block with authentication link


  • Authenticates users with their Yandex accounts.
  • Provides a central storage for access tokens.
  • Other modules that provide integration with different Yandex services may require this module to get user's access tokens.

Basically as a site builder you need this module only if another module depends on it. As a developer you may add this module as a dependency of your one if it needs user's Yandex access tokens.


HybridAuth library (as a composer dependency).

  • Yandex Services Authorization API allows site administrator only to authenticate on Yandex with own account (site-wide integration), other users can not do this.
  • HybridAuth Social Login stores access token in current user session only, i.e. users can't work with Yandex accounts of each other. This also applies to other similar modules that provide a way for users to connect to external social services.


Yandex client application should be created @ Its ID and a password are required @ module's settings page.

Dependent modules

Modules that depend on this one:

Project information
