For me all CCK fields appear in the the "Build Playlist From:" Box in the admin settings,

But NOT in the "Default thumbnail field:" box,

Is this what is supposed to happen or is this just happening for me?

The image thumbnails for my videos are stored as a CCK field (using the module imagefield)

They appear in the "Build Playlist From:" box but not the "Default thumbnail field:" box

Obviously it would be good if they could appear in the "Default thumbnail field:" box in order to be added to the playlist feed,

Had a look at the code but don't know where to begin in getting it added in

In the mean time I plan to just hack the code in the node module to override the settings for the thumbnail image


benced’s picture

function xspf_playlist_cck_xspf_playlist_thumb($op, $node, $config) {
  switch($op) {
    case 'define' :
      return xspf_playlist_cck_fields($config);

    case 'return':
    	// fetch items from node
      if ($item = xspf_playlist_cck_get_files_from_cck($node, $config)) {
        return array($item);        

So far, tried adding this to the cck module but clearly not as simple as that,
Think I'm on the right lines though, not sure