workflow_ng 5.x-2.2

Don't forget to run update.php when you update the module!

changes since 2.1:

#283867 backported fix from rules: tell the user what's up when an
event is missing and avoid php errors
#376335 fixed using variables containing slashes with the php action
or condition
#340181 fixed profle fields get unset by add roles action
#339215 add implementation of hook_devel_caches() and so fix problems
if used with memcached
#346190 patch by nodestroy: added global user argument for cron event
#327781 Fixes the "unchanged user" variable for php5 users by
correctly cloning the user object
#362836 backported fix for adding roles on user creation from rules
#278028: Fix fatal errors which occur for some people on installation
added an action for setting the content title
fixed log to watchdog action to keep its severity default value
added a safe token for the path of content. For compliance with tokens
naming convention the raw token has been renamed to path-raw.
Workflow-ng: added a new system event: Cron maintenance tasks are
#280267 patch by Amitaibu: improve coding style
#280267 patch by intchanter: Fix coding style issues (replace tabs by
spaces, ..)
#235438 patch by Amitaibu: Added a populate a (CCK) field action
improved path module integration to allow longer path aliases

workflow_ng 5.x-2.0

New features

changes since 5.x-2.0 BETA-1:
* added views integration for cclinks (list scheduled dates!)
* fixes state machine views integration (filter names display and fixed the broken state machine filter)
* #227470: patch by nodestroy: enhanced the workflow-ng per entity logging module to allow deleting of log entries
* #226046: fixed bug "action/condition settings form is missing" by removing the localisation of module names
* #229025: made it possible for actions to let newly added arguments to be saved by workflow-ng. Implemented this for the "add content" action, which allows one to alter the node by further actions like "Publish content" before saving
* #179653 patch by amitaibu: exposed $teaser and $page when content is viewed and added a condition to check boolean entities, so one can check how content is to be viewed
* added a new action: Set breadcrumb
* #221033 fixed State Machine Admin, edit/delete don't working

Changes since 1.x-dev:
* rearranged the menu items in a "workflow-ng section"
* now the term "rule" is used instead of "configuration"
* allow cloning of configurations
* allow ordering of configurations
* allow actions to load further entities
* on top of that, there is now support for loading referenced users and nodes from CCK fields
* allow modules to conditional include their action/condition configuration forms

workflow_ng 5.x-2.0-beta1

New features

first and hopefully the only 2.0 beta release. New features since 1.x:

workflow_ng 5.x-1.6

Bug fixes

this is a bugfix release.

changes since 5.x-1.5:
backported from 2.x: fixed the import to never take over the ids of an export
#206484: updates the workflow-ng id counter to ensure that imported configurations aren't overwritten by new ones. run update.php
fixed the "currently acting user" argument for the user module events

workflow_ng 5.x-2.x-dev

New features

development snapshot

Currently some new features get added to 2.x.

workflow_ng 5.x-1.4

New features
Bug fixes

Update: Be sure do run update.php after updating workflow-ng to 1.4!

changes since 5.x-1.3:

* cclinks: fixed to correctly use the link label setting as link label
* bug fixes for states and cclinks: fixed cclinks action configuration
* ccllinks: fixed the timezone handling, fixed link toggling to be more confident
* made cclinks cron routine more error resistent
* cclinks: #197420 fixed the generated classes of the links

* fixed the event label of state change events to be clean, improved labels in the action configuration form
* states: fixed init state setting on node creation, if the set state is NULL
* fixed states to allow setting the state of nodes back to NULL through node_save()
* states: added an action, which allows setting a new machine state

* added two new token API functions, which makes adding token support even easier
* added path module integration, which allows automatic URL alias creation and deletion
* updated the token conditions and actions to make use of the new workflow_ng-token API enhancement, added update routine for existing configurations, assigned these token enabled conditions and actions to the system module
* improved the path alias creation action to filter non ascii characters

workflow_ng 5.x-1.3

New features
Bug fixes

1.1 introduced a new bug, which may cause the execution of actions even if the conditions weren't matched. Because of this, there is this early 1.3 release, which fixes the bug.

Note that there is no 1.2 release because of troubles creating it:
So 1.3 follows 1.1.

workflow_ng 5.x-1.0

New features
Bug fixes

the first stable release!

changes since the latest beta 8:
* added an action to cclinks, that allows to set the scheduling date through an token enabled action
* UI bugfix: don't show the empty fieldset for the condition root (AND)

workflow_ng 5.x-1.0-beta8

New features
Bug fixes

changes since beta7:
* fixed UI bug: force rendering of empty condition groups, so that they can be deleted
* added a condition to make checking for content types easier
* UI: filter the list of available actions/conditions to show only compatible ones, when they are added
* UI: added the possibility to filter configurations by module

workflow_ng 5.x-1.0-beta7

Bug fixes

This is a quick bug-fix release!

changes since beta 6:
* fixed cclinks to properly work with deactive revisions
* added a link to the cclinks tutorial

changes between beta5 and beta6:

workflow_ng 5.x-1.0-beta6

New features
Bug fixes

changes since the beta5:
* due to licensing issues: removed tango icons and replaced them with gpl'ed gnome icons
* fixed editing the logging action ($form_values['type'] was used two times)
* #169218: fixed typo which introduced a call time pass by value error for php4
* separated workflow-ng modules in directories
* added new extension module cclinks - Configurable Content Links

more about cclinks (Configurable Content Links):

workflow_ng 5.x-1.0-beta5

New features
Bug fixes

#156428 patch by jeevesbond: added a condition for checking user roles and actions to add/remove user roles
#164522: removed the possiblity to let workflow-ng handle saving user objects, as it isn't possible to do it clean,
user role actions: made selecting at lest one role required, clean the checkboxes value
#164522: removed the possiblity to let workflow-ng handle saving user objects, as it isn't possible to do it clean,
user role actions: made selecting at lest one role required, clean the checkboxes value

workflow_ng 5.x-1.0-beta2

Bug fixes

changes since 5.x 1.0 beta1:
* removed a unused function, added a link to the developer docs to the README
* #156487: on the configuration overview page also show on which event the configuration is executed
* fixed deinstallation procedure

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