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Workbench Moderation Migrate migrates Drupal 7 Workbench Moderation flows to Drupal 9 and alters node revision migrations to migrate them with the right moderation state.


Core patch required for being able to update previously migrated records with
1. Core Migrate API with highwater property, or
2. Migrate Tools with its --update opt:


  1. Enable this module and Migrate Drupal UI.
  2. Visit /upgrade and configure your Drupal 7 source database.
  3. Perform the upgrade!

Workbench Moderation Migrate module supports only complete node migrations (their plugin ID is d7_node_complete:<node_type>).

The migrate import command in Drush 10.4+ (or Migrate Tools) aren't building migration dependency graph[1], they're running both the complete[2] and deprecated[3] node migrations, causing data integrity problems. Please keep this in mind if you don't use Drupal core's Migrate Drupal UI.


  • [1]: At the end this means they're executing the migrations in incorrect order and also executing migrations which should be skipped.
  • [2]: Complete node migrations are the migrations with ID d7_node_complete:<node_type>.
  • [3]: Deprecated node migrations are the migrations with IDs d7_node:<node_type>, d7_node_revision:<node_type> or d7_node_translation:<node_type>.
Supporting organizations: 
Founding, initial and ongoing development

Project information
