
Published nodes are showing the menu items that are changed for draft revisions.

steps to reproduce:
- have a ctype with stock workbench_moderation and menu items enabled
- publish a new node with a menu item
- create a draft for this node and change the menu item

published node now has its menu item changed. This problem is worsened when the menu path is used for pathauto patterns, urls can change unexpected.

Proposed resolution

Somehow add menuitem revisions and synchronising these to their routed node states. Show draft menuitems only in "latest" preview.

I file this as a bug, because it's counter intuitive functionality, but technically this could be a feature request.


keesje created an issue.

chOP’s picture

This issue may be relevant. A recent change to Drupal 8.4.0 prevents the changing of a URL Alias when content is in a Draft state, because the aliases were being changed for published content.


Now if you try to save a change to a URL Alias, in a Draft, you will see this Validation message and be prevented from saving:

You can only change the URL alias for the published version of this content.

We're experiencing some issues now with how this interacts with Pathauto. Not sure whether it's a Pathauto problem, or a Workbench Moderation problem. Still investigating.

StephenRobinson’s picture

nicrodgers’s picture

@chOP we're experiencing the same problem, even with pathauto disabled and when the manually-entered URL alias doesn't change between revisions or translations. Did you have any luck tracking the problem down any further?

nicrodgers’s picture

I've created an issue/patch over in the core issue queue here that seems to fix this for us...