Screenshot of a Webform fieldset that can have multiple instances using WFM
Screenshot of viewing the results of multiple-value fields

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Webform Multiple (WFM) is a Drupal 7 module allowing Webform components to have more than one value.

The user completing the form can add instances of the component with an 'Add another item' button.

The module requires Webform version 7.x-4.x.

Development status

The module is unstable; it's not at all production-ready. It works currently for most component types (including fieldsets), but there are some known issues and probably unknown issues too. For example, editing submissions is unlikely to work well, and the same for conditionals (although there is basic support for both). Multiple-value components don't work if they are placed anywhere before a Page Break component. More seriously, Date and File components will fail to save data properly if they, or any of their parent components, are multiple-value.

Project information
