Sample implementation of webform multitext

This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.


This module works with the Webform module to provide a true multiple-value text field.


Module dependencies:

Known problems

  • We hope that the "security advisory" will go away after first audit of the module. This module is structured like most Webform component plugins, and JSON encoding is used to "safe" the data before storage to the database.

Similar projects

There are several modules on Drupal that simulate multiple-value fields for Webform, but all of the stable ones that we found create a number (e.g., 20) fields, hide all but one, and reveal when the "add" button is clicked.


  • Webform natively does not handle delta inside of component values easily, so all of the multiple values are stored in the database
    as one, JSON-encoded array.

Project information
