webform_ab 7.x-2.4

Bug fixes

Issue #2510440 by clevername: Syntax error in SQL query for users with test in session
Issue #2867099 by onepartscissors: error when using ajax multi-page form with Webform A/B Testing

webform_ab 7.x-2.2

Bug fixes
New features

* Issue #2291297 by sheena_d: Added webform_ab_views submodule, which exposes several tables to Views and adds a default view for administering Webform A/B tests.
* Issue #2334981 by visuaLatte: fix PHP error upon node presave.

webform_ab 7.x-2.0-alpha1

An alpha release, could use some additional community testing to ensure everything is covered that needs coverage on the 2.x branch.

webform_ab 6.x-2.2

Bug fixes

Changes since 6.x-2.1:

  • #1490544 by benclark: Fixed aborted cron runs caused by drupal_goto().

webform_ab 6.x-2.1

Bug fixes

This release includes some performance improvements:

Changes since 6.x-2.0:

  • Split node load query into three to improve performance of node load
  • Index webform_ab_forms.status since it's used in a sort

webform_ab 6.x-2.0

No change from 6.x-2.0-alpha3. This version has been tested and found to be stable.

webform_ab 6.x-2.0-alpha3

Bug fixes

Changes since 6.x-2.0-alpha2:

  • When a webform is deleted, remove it from any Webform A/B tests that use it

webform_ab 6.x-2.0-alpha1

New features

New feature: winning conditions are now defined as CTools plugins.

This update includes an update path for sites running 6.x-1.x. I have only tested this myself, and am looking for feedback on the change. If you are using 6.x-1.x, please give this new version a try on a dev site.

webform_ab 7.x-1.0-beta1

Initial Drupal 7 port. This is an upgrade of the functionality included in 6.x-1.2, with no new features or modifications.

Since this update has been done "in the dark," so to speak, I'm marking it as beta for right now: only the developer has tested it.

webform_ab 6.x-1.2

Bug fixes
  • Fixed error in logic that reported on pre- and post-win numbers
  • Fixed divide-by-zero error when calculating percentage
  • Changed default value of webform_ab_ignore_hits_from_roles variable from empty string to empty array
  • Fixed typo where percent_conversions had been swapped for total_conversions in the winning conditions form
  • Pass query variables along when redirecting to one of the webforms in the A/B Test (intended for things like market source ID)
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