Views RSS Feed Authentication
Views RSS Feed

Provides authentication support for the RSS search results which are generated by the views. This module depends on Simple OAuth(contribute) and HTTP Basic Authentication(core) modules.

Usually we use RSS feed URLs in openSearch or federated search concepts, in such scenarios we have to protect the RSS feed search pages using some authentication methods. So Views RSS Feed Authentication will provide the authentication for the RSS feed search pages which are implemented using Drupal views.

  1. You can provide authentication to the views displays i.e page/feed/rest exports

HTTP Basic Authentication(core)
Simple OAuth(contribute) - If you want to add Oauth

Install with Composer: $ composer require 'drupal/vrssfa:^1.6'

Note: Clear the Drupal cache after saving the module configuration settings.

Similar modules
Route Basic Authentication: protects configured routes with HTTP basic authentication
Shield: Protects all pages with HTTP basic authentication
HTTP Auth: Protects /user and /admin pages with HTTP basic authentication

Supporting organizations: 
This module was coded for Drupal 8 by Ramu Challa and Shivaji Simhadri, at the Webject System Inc.

Project information
