Yet another View-Menu-Reference Widget + Views filter module.


The key functionality of this module is to provide a very flexible combination between menu items, entities (e.g. nodes) and views. This is especially helpful to create simple, menu based header slide views.

Key functionality

This module provides:

  • A menu reference field widget with a depth selector to select all menu items which the fields parent content shell be connected to.
  • A view filter/argument/default argument provider to display nodes matching the selection for the currents entity/node menu item.




  1. Install and enable the module using the normal module installation procedure.
  2. Add a views menu reference field to the entity type you want to use. For example a "Header image" node type.
  3. Create a view, for example "Header slide" with the Views menu reference argument for the newly created field and select "Current path" as default value.
  4. Select the menu items in the node, which should appear in the view, when the menu item is active.
  5. That's it!

Difference to similar modules

In contrast to similar modules this module provides even a bit more flexibility by a special widget field, which provides a menu item selector and a depth selector besides. Unlike the other modules named below the control, if parent trail items shell also be concerned, this decision can be made for every single field value (menu item). This makes the module extremely flexible and good to use for special content types, like header images or other "beside" information.

Similar modules


This module was built learning a lot from which implements another way to solve a similar problem. So thanks a lot to the developers and maintainers of the module, especially Itangalo!

Development proudly sponsored by:

webks: websolutions kept simple (
DROWL: Drupalbasierte Lösungen aus Ostwestfalen-Lippe (

Supporting organizations: 
proudly developed this module for the community!

Project information
