Display node with children nodes
Contextual filter settings 1
Contextual filter settings 2

The Views Menu Children Filter module adds a contextual filter to Views for
showing child nodes of a specified parent node in the menu system. It also adds
a sorting option based on the menu link's weight.

Related core issues

This module helps to work around missing features in core:

Please help to fix them, so one day these features will be available in core!

Required Modules

The Drupal Core "Views" module is needed.


  • Run composer require drupal/views_menu_children_filter
  • Run drush en views_menu_children_filter


When you add the "Menu Children" contextual filter to your custom view, you
can configure the menus you wish to search for inside the filter settings.


Currently, this module only works for node entities. Also, the menu links need
to be created inside the node, so they have the "entity:" uri prefix.
"internal:" is NOT currently supported.

Version Information

The 8.x-1.x branch is for bug fixes only, with the aim for a stabled Drupal 8 release.

The 8.x-2.x branch is abandoned and should not be used. Users can safely upgrade to 8.x-1.0-rc1 or to 3.0.x-dev.

The 3.0.x-dev branch is for all new features and development, with full Drupal 9 support.

Alternative modules

Supporting organizations: 
proudly helped to improve this module for the Drupal community

Project information
