When there are multiple pages, that last thumbnail from successive pages are sometimes appended to the bottom of the thumbnails on the current page. The list item for that thumbnail is getting display:list-item, when it should be assigned display:none as all the other thumbnails from other pages are. If you're on page 1 of the gallery and you go to page 2 or 3 and then back to a previous page using the pager below the thumbnails, the last thumbnail from a page you were just on will be appended to the thumbnails on the current page. It might be the last thumbnail in the series, or the last thumbnail from the next page relative to the page you're on. It doesn't always happen, but once it does, the extra thumbnail will always appear until you refresh the page.

I've tried clearing the views cache but it makes no difference. Anyone else have this problem?


jmoruzi’s picture

One more thing, I don't think this was happening on my local box because I didn't notice it until after the site was live. Perhaps it was a update of a different module that caused this? You can see it on the live site here: www.mikemoruzi.com/photo-galleries/portraits

jmoruzi’s picture

Anyone have any idea why this is happening?

skullJ’s picture

same problem

chrisK’s picture

this problem also happens at www.marlagoutsos.gr .

chrisK’s picture

I disabled the pager at the bottom of the gallery (Enable Bottom Pager->NO) and now it works fine...When i enable it the problem appears...

m3m3nto’s picture

Version: 7.x-1.0-beta2 » 7.x-1.0

I've solved this issue with a simple workaround.
Try adding an height and an overflow: hidden property to the div that contains the view.

jmoruzi’s picture

Thanks m3m3nto. I placed a max-height, and overflow:hidden on '#galleriffic ul.thumbs' since that's the container containing the thumbnails and that hides the extra thumbnail nicely.

stuartlyle’s picture

Im still having this issue, the overflow hidden didn't work for me.
Also my last page of thumbnails it doesn't fill out the block so the height
wouldn't be able to cut out that last thumbnail that shows up when
navigating back to the previous thumbnail page.