I've been using Views Fusion with Usernode & Node Profile for a while with no problems or issues. However, a client recently requested a couple of new searchable fields (last name & first name) from the child node. When I add them they seem to fuse fine, but when I run a search from the primary view the result set is always empty, and the following error appears in my logs:

Unknown table "node_data_field_last_name" in where clause query: SELECT DISTINCT(node.nid), node.title AS node_title, node.changed AS node_changed, v22node.nid AS v22node_nid, v22node_data_field_last_name.field_last_name_value AS v22node_data_field_last_name_field_last_name_value, v22node_data_field_position_0.field_position_0_value AS v22node_data_field_position_0_field_position_0_value, v22node_data_field_desired_region.field_desired_region_value AS v22node_data_field_desired_region_field_desired_region_value, v22node_data_field_country_of_citizenship.field_country_of_citizenship_value AS v22node_data_field_country_of_citizenship_field_country_of_citizenship_value, v22users.work AS v22users_work, v22users.uid AS v22users_uid FROM node node INNER JOIN nodefamily nodefamily_parent ON node.nid = nodefamily_parent.parent_nid LEFT JOIN node v22node ON nodefamily_parent.child_nid = v22node.nid LEFT JOIN content_type_application v22node_data_field_last_name ON v22node.vid = v22node_data_field_last_nam in /var/www/vhosts/elections.cartercenter.org/httpdocs/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 172.

Any ideas?

I'm using the latest versions of Views (5.x.1.6), Usernode (5.x.1.3), Node Profile (5.x.1.2), and Views Fusion (5.x.1.2)


Leeteq’s picture

Looks like an operation has gone wrong in its dealing with the node_data table and its last_name field, ending up concatinating some pieces into "node_data_field_last_name" ?

LexVogelaar’s picture


I have exactly the same problem.
I'll see if I can zoom into the problem a bit more ...

Unknown column 'node_data_field_postcode.field_postcode_value' in 'where clause' query: SELECT count( DISTINCT(node.nid)) FROM node node LEFT JOIN content_type_toegang_site node_data_field_voornaam ON node.vid = node_data_field_voornaam.vid INNER JOIN nodefamily nodefamily_parent ON node.nid = nodefamily_parent.parent_nid LEFT JOIN node v16node ON nodefamily_parent.child_nid = v16node.nid LEFT JOIN content_type_lid_nvon v16node_data_field_postcode ON v16node.vid = v16node_data_field_postcode.vid LEFT JOIN content_type_lid_nvon v16node_data_field_plaats ON v16node.vid = v16node_data_field_plaats.vid LEFT JOIN content_type_lid_nvon v16node_data_field_lidnummer ON v16node.vid = v16node_data_field_lidnummer.vid LEFT JOIN content_type_lid_nvon v16node_data_field_actief ON v16node.vid = v16node_data_field_actief.vid WHERE (node.type IN ('toegang_site')) AND (UPPER(node_data_field_postcode.field_postcode_value) LIKE UPPER('%123%')) AND (v16node.type IN ('lid_nvon')) in C:\xampp_1_6_3a\htdocs\www\solide_drupal_5_2\includes\database.mysql.inc on line 172.
LexVogelaar’s picture

It turns out this problem is well known and submitted(duplicated) here a number of times.

fago is addressing the issue here:
