CiviCRM is a (large) CRM module that creates its own database and fields. With its native Views Integration module, these fields can be exposed in Drupal Views. More info to be found here.

When I activate the Views Field View module, the integration breaks. At least CiviCRM custom fields, i.e. fields that are not created out of the box by the system but added by the user, are no longer available in views.

Sorry I cannot provide any insight into why this happens since I'm not a developer.

Additional information: Drupal 7.37, CiviCRM 4.4.13 in a CiviCRM (not Drupal!) multisite setup, cf.


BeWhy’s picture

You might be finding something that was already broken ... have you updated the settings.php file with the list of fields created by civicrm found at civicrm > administration > system settings > cms integration (civicrm/admin/setting/uf?reset=1)?

KristineC’s picture

Have you added the correct relationship? What CiviCRM view are you using (relationships, activities, contacts)?