
Thanks for the great module. The column widths for created xls files are all the default width. It is possible to add a function that automatically sets the optimal column width? With a Google search for "PHPExcel auto column width" I found this:

How to PHPExcel set auto-columns width

The final code that they used to automatically set optimal column widths was:

function autoFitColumnWidthToContent($sheet, $fromCol, $toCol) {
        if (empty($toCol) ) {//not defined the last column, set it the max one
            $toCol = $sheet->getColumnDimension($sheet->getHighestColumn())->getColumnIndex();
        for($i = $fromCol; $i <= $toCol; $i++) {

I hope this idea for a new feature is helpful and will be seriously considered.

God Bless!
