For unknown reason I get "Unable to preview due to validation errors." from data export view. Other views and other views module feature work OK.


Trig_74’s picture

Hi rCharles! Have you solved this issue? I'm getting same message in a brand new Drupal 7 instalation on the view created while following the instruccions of this link: Installation Drupalservices Drupal Side

rennevat’s picture

Not sure if it's related to your situation, but I've seen that error pop up when the path for the export has not been defined.

Trig_74’s picture

Hi Again!
Thanks for your repy. I forgot I had posted this question here that's why I didn't post the answer after I found it.
In my case, the problem got solved after updating the module Services :)

onelittlebecca’s picture

setting the path eliminated the validation errors I was getting when adding a data export view! thanks for the rec!