views_bookmark 5.x-1.4

New features
Bug fixes

This official release of views bookmark corrects several bugs, increases flexibility in views, and can significantly improve performance in node listings with multiple bookmarks enabled. The complete set of changes is included in the beta 1 and beta 2 announcements. Key changes are included below.

New features:
- Consolidated SQL queries into using Views Bookmark API functions. Now more efficient with fewer queries per page.
- Javascript change to hide any previous 'mark' messages when marking another item on the page.
- PostgresSQL support added to install file -
- Added filter for bookmark timestamp
- Added sort for bookmark timestamp
- Added sort for bookmark count
- Increased efficiency of user name lookup by doing a table join rather than seperate user_loads.

Bug fixes:
- Compatibility with node_save() calls without loosing current user's marked status -

views_bookmark 5.x-1.4-beta2

Bug fixes

This version improves upon version 1.4 beta 1 with the following changes:
- Consolidated SQL queries into using Views Bookmark API functions. Now more efficient with fewer queries per page.
- Minor CSS tweaks to space marked messages more consistently in different themes other than Garland
- Javascript change to hide any previous 'mark' messages when marking another item on the page.
- PostgresSQL support added to install file -

views_bookmark 5.x-1.4-beta1

New features

This version of Views Bookmark significantly updates the views integration with the following changes:

- Removed Node: Node ID argument provided by views bookmark. This argument seemed to have accidentally slipped in with the Drupal 5 port of Views Bookmark. Views provides a Node: ID argument which should be used instead. Views stored in the database are automatically updated. Views stored in hook_default_views() will need to be updated if they use this argument.

- Changed Bookmark filter from assuming current user to allowing an option for either current user or any user. This requires a change to existing views. Views in the database are automatically updated. Views stored in hook_default_views() may be updated by changing the value of the filter from an empty string to "***CURRENT_USER***".

- Added filter for bookmark timestamp
- Added sort for bookmark timestamp
- Added sort for bookmark count
- Increased efficiency of user name lookup by doing a table join rather than seperate user_loads.

Upgrading hook_default_views() implementations.

Note that this is only necessary if you've coded views into a custom or contrib module. Normal users who keep views stored in the database don't need to worry because their views are updated using update.php. Views bookmark will inform you if any views need to be updated manually.

views_bookmark 5.x-1.3

New features
Bug fixes

This version makes no changes from the 5.x 1.3-beta version. After 2 weeks with no new issues reported or found, this is the official release.

Maintenance release fixing the following issues:

views_bookmark 5.x-1.2

New features
Bug fixes

Lots of new features and bug fixes in the 1.2 release of views_bookmark.

Bug Fixes:
- User access permissions now retrieved properly for setting boomarks
- Fixed uninstall function.
- Table prefixes now correctly added for indexes.
- Provided default views now work without the comment module enabled.

views_bookmark 5.x-1.x-dev

Active development version of views_bookmark. Please do not use this version for daily use, but try it before requesting new features or reporting bugs. Official releases are branched from this version when they are considered stable.

views_bookmark 5.x-1.1

Version 1.1 for Drupal 5. Also includes several minor improvements:

  1. Automatic count of the number of people who've bookmarked a given node
  2. Improved performance via indexes
  3. Support for views that list users who've bookmarked a given node
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