I've been viewing the superb tutorial "Photo galleries with Views Attach" which lets you display a list of images in a gallery, and includes a link to "Add new image".

I've been trying to apply this to another scenario, but without success, where Book reviews replace the galleries, and authors replace the imagers.

So I have two node types (1) Authors (2) Book review. When an editor creates a Book review, there is an option to select an existing author (based on the list of Author nodes. But if the author does not yet exist, I'd like a link to "Add new author".

Of course when the Book review node is displayed, only the selected author is shown (ie there is no option for the public to change the author).

I think I can do part of this with node reference to create the author select list, but there is no neat way to create the Add author link, which Views attach seems to be able to do.

Can anyone help?