This module is brilliant, but the documentation is a little... light. (There kind of mostly isn't any.) The instructions on the project page seem simple at first glance, but personally I spent an hour troubleshooting a silly mistake (and feeling very dumb) before I got it working. It also seems like a big chunk of the modules issues are "How the heck do I use this," so more documentation might help fix that.

If I were to create a book page with a somewhat more detailed set of instructions, would you consider linking it as "view module documentation" on the project page? Also, I think a few screenshots would be very helpful ("What argument? Who? Where?"), but as I'm not a member of the documentation team, I wouldn't have access to add attachments to a book page. How would I go about getting any screenshots added to the aforementioned hypothetical book page?



Summit’s picture

Subscribing +1 for better documentation, can for instance also a comment view be used with views attach?
May be stupid question, but documentation is to lite to get answer.
greetings, Martijn

asb’s picture

Similar request. Can't figure out if 'Views attach' can or can not use relationships (doesn't work for me, but maybe I'm doing something wrong).