This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Deprecated - will be unsupported

See latest code at

This project will soon be marked unsupported and possibly unpublished.


This is a very simple module that provides a views area plugin that allow adding links.

Views area plugins allow adding configurable bits of content to views areas, such as header, footer, and empty text.

This module allows someone to take full advantage or the routing system and use either a developer-oriented route info approach or a simple URL based approach to adding a link. Either way will use the routing information to see if the link should be displayed.

It has plenty of other options available, like queries, access denied content, language, and much more.


Automated testing is coming soon and will mark the stable release (once this is approved as a full project).

The module seems pretty feature-complete for what is is supposed to do, but feel free to add feature requests if there's something it seems to be missing.


This project is sponsored by BioRAFT.

Supporting organizations: 

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