The set up:
1. An event node with a date field on it.
2. On this node there is an embedded, via panels, views block.
3. This views block lists 3 random even nodes. Think "you may also like..."
4. Each of the rows in the block display the nodes title and date.
5. The date field displayed is a start date using the date time format
6. On the view there is a contextual filter of Content: Nid set to exclude (excludes the current node/page from the list)

The issue:
Each row's date field in the block is displaying the page's date field instead of it's own.

Page's date: 12 Jan 2018
Block row 1 date: 13 Jan 2018
Block row 2 date: 14 Jan 2018

What is being displayed:
Page's date: 12 Jan 2018
Block row 1 date: 12 Jan 2018
Block row 2 date: 12 Jan 2018

What I have tried
I have removed the contextual filter and the date field works as intended but there is a chance the current page will be listed.
Which is not acceptable.

And help would be appreciated.


JoshuaHartmann created an issue.