How to add a comment when UUID services is enabled
The url which we tried is :

http://localhost/api/comment/uuid_of_new_comment (PUT request)
with body

    "comment": {
        "uuid":"uuid_of_forum ",
        "subject": "testing"
    "uuid":"uuid_of_new_comment ",

I know that it is not correct. But was not able to find a proper documentation for this any where. So trying some random things !!!

It will be highly helpful if some one can suggest where to find proper documentation for uuid services .


ktrev created an issue. See original summary.

ktrev’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
ktrev’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
visabhishek’s picture

As per

    "nid": "2583",
    "name": "dsad",
    "subject": "sda",
    "language": "und",
    "node_type": "comment_node_forum",
    "date": "now",
    "status": 0,
    "is_anonymous": true,
    "op": "edit",
    "comment_body": {
        "und": [
                "value": "jhkjh"
    "uuid": "0b1dd306-bbcb-410c-b991-319a3ca189c3"

But its also working once, after that its updating the same comment :(