Project Title Status Priority Category Version Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Flag Make confirmation form "Question" and "Description" editable Needs work Normal Feature request 7.x-3.x-dev 13 10 years 8 months 15 years 3 months
Invite Show inviter on user profile If this option is checked, the user profile page will show who invited the user. Active Normal Bug report 7.x-2.1-beta2 10 years 8 months 10 years 8 months
Content Construction Kit (CCK) Token email address in user reference field Active Normal Support request 7.x-2.x-dev 10 years 8 months 10 years 8 months
Drupal core Node type fields translated when loaded for the node type edit form Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev 1 10 years 8 months 10 years 8 months
Drupal core Provider getter for dependencies in FieldInstance class Active Normal Task 11.x-dev 17 10 years 8 months 10 years 8 months
Drupal core Add custom block categories Postponed Normal Feature request 11.x-dev 15 10 years 8 months 10 years 10 months
Drupal core For disabled node types with 'base' != 'node_content', _node_types_build() does not return data about the type. Needs work Major Bug report 7.x-dev 82 10 years 8 months 12 years 7 months
Drupal core Decide what to do about important contextual links when that module is disabled or restricted Active Normal Task 11.x-dev 25 10 years 8 months 11 years 2 months
Drupal core Implement accordion behavior for meta fieldsets on node form Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev 18 10 years 8 months 10 years 11 months
Drupal core Provide dynamic registration of local_action plugins Active Normal Task 11.x-dev 17 10 years 8 months 10 years 8 months
Drupal core No default value when the field is translatable and the author has no access to create the field Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev 8 10 years 8 months 12 years 8 months
Drupal core Add additional hook into field_attach_load that won't get cached Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev 17 10 years 8 months 10 years 8 months
Drupal core Multilingual site, domain with Umlaut: Doesn't work Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev 1 10 years 8 months 10 years 8 months
Entity API Custom controller classes must not be deleted Postponed Normal Bug report 7.x-1.0-beta8 3 10 years 8 months 12 years 9 months
Entity API Overridden getter callback on bundle does not get called Active Normal Bug report 7.x-1.x-dev 10 years 8 months 10 years 8 months
Profile 2 hook_profile2_access example Active Normal Bug report 7.x-1.x-dev 10 years 8 months 10 years 8 months
Drupal core taxonomy_update_7005 may break on incorrect values of sticky field Needs review Normal Bug report 7.x-dev 10 years 8 months 10 years 8 months
Drupal core node.js uses setSummary even when it is not available. Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev 8 10 years 8 months 14 years 1 month
Flag Flags in code can't be reverted to code Active Normal Bug report 7.x-2.x-dev 6 10 years 8 months 13 years 3 weeks
Drupal core Menu Link not showing up Active Normal Support request 7.x-dev 2 10 years 8 months 10 years 9 months
Content Construction Kit (CCK) $items on line 1829 null Needs review Normal Bug report 6.x-2.7 1 10 years 8 months 13 years 8 months
Drupal core - is hardcoding taxonomy path Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev 15 10 years 8 months 13 years 7 months
Profile 2 'Node export module'-like functionnalities for exporting/importing profile types? Active Normal Support request 7.x-1.3 1 10 years 8 months 11 years 2 months
Drupal core [policy,meta] Automated xhprof based profiling for Drupal core to enhance performance core gate Active Normal Task 11.x-dev 20 10 years 8 months 10 years 9 months
Drupal core Move contextual_links_region out of annotations Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev 34 10 years 8 months 11 years 8 months
Drupal core Toolbar is broken without 'access administration pages' permission. Active Major Bug report 7.x-dev 10 10 years 8 months 14 years 6 months
Drupal core Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in node_page_title() (line 2211 of /path/to/site/modules/node/node.module Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev 2 10 years 8 months 10 years 9 months
Drupal core Drupal installer doesn't see mysql when php have only mysqli enabled Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev 1 10 years 8 months 10 years 8 months
Time period Integrate with Timefield Active Normal Feature request 7.x-1.x-dev 10 years 8 months 10 years 8 months
Content Construction Kit (CCK) validation users a different set of potential references that when form was constructed Active Normal Bug report 6.x-3.0-alpha3 10 years 8 months 10 years 8 months
Drupal core Unable to create languages with empty prefix Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev 1 10 years 8 months 10 years 10 months
Drupal core Color module crashes when you activate Bandwidth optimization Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Bug report 7.x-dev 9 10 years 8 months 13 years 1 week
Drupal core Without first seeing the demonstration page, the list of possible regions makes no sense. Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev 15 10 years 8 months 12 years 11 months
Flag Action inactive Active Normal Bug report 7.x-3.0 1 10 years 8 months 10 years 8 months
Drupal core Running test for custom site doesn't work with Active Normal Support request 7.x-dev 1 10 years 8 months 10 years 8 months
Rules Add users to group only if they have a relationship with the group owner? Active Normal Support request 7.x-2.3 10 years 8 months 10 years 8 months
Field collection Add New Item button does not clone organic group node reference field Active Normal Bug report 7.x-1.0-beta5 2 10 years 8 months 11 years 2 months
Drupal core THEMENAME_submit not called Active Major Bug report 7.x-dev 2 10 years 8 months 12 years 4 months
Drupal core Add "caution" text to modules that have potential bad sides Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev 29 10 years 8 months timmillwood 10 years 9 months
Drupal core editing large comments - Receiving 403 forbidden on server side Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev 5 10 years 8 months 10 years 9 months
Time period Allow for more units Active Normal Feature request 7.x-1.x-dev 10 years 8 months 10 years 8 months
Drupal core Setting image/file field for more than one image breaks ckeditor.module/wysiwyg.module(ckeditor) Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev 4 10 years 9 months 10 years 11 months
Drupal core Integrity constraint [error] violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'Filtered HTML' for key 'name' Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev 8 10 years 9 months 11 years 5 months
Drupal core Contextual links appear unstyled on the dashboard configuration screen when you start off with an empty dashboard Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev 9 10 years 9 months 13 years 10 months
Drupal core Dashboard markup and theme functions need work Needs work Normal Bug report 7.x-dev 14 10 years 9 months 14 years 2 months
Drupal core Improve 'empty' state of Dashboard blocks Needs work Normal Task 7.x-dev 13 10 years 9 months 13 years 12 months
Drupal core blocks assigned to dashboard regions incorrectly. Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev 1 10 years 9 months 12 years 11 months
Drupal core Can't reorder menus on admin/index Active Normal Support request 7.x-dev 5 10 years 9 months 10 years 9 months
Drupal core default template_preprocess_field() doesn't use render API #attributes property Active Minor Bug report 7.x-dev 1 10 years 9 months 13 years 5 months
Flag refactor FlagTestCaseBase::createFlag() to use defaults Active Normal Task 7.x-3.x-dev 10 years 9 months 10 years 9 months


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