This page summarizes the usage of all projects on For each week beginning on the given date the figures show the number of sites that reported they are using (any version of) the project. Detailed usage information for each release of a project is available by clicking the project name.

These statistics are incomplete; only Drupal websites using the Update Status module are included in the data. This module has been included with the download of Drupal since version 6.x so the data does not include older sites. Read more information about how these statistics are calculated.

#ProjectApr 14, 2024sort ascendingApr 7, 2024Mar 31, 2024Mar 24, 2024Mar 17, 2024Mar 10, 2024
18001UI Patterns Block322131
18002Webpack Vue.js334343
18003ALB Authentication33175811
18004Athena PDF API322333
18005Commerce Store Gateways321232
18006Flickr Sync333511
18007Legacy Redirect335333
18008Media: Solidtango333334
18009Open AI Metadata325433
18010EntityBulkDelete333232 Publishing Analytics345444
18012Blizz Dynamic Entitylist333452
18013Block Admin3414653
18014Color.module: SoC 2008333223
18015Tumblr API333443
18016jQuery Visible Library333333
18017Commerce Product Limit By Role323333
18018Simple OAuth Refresh Token Buffer332222
18019Media Entity Podbean324631
18020Bootstrap Elements333323
18022e-Commerce Address Extra333333
18023Ubercart Attribute Length312222
18024Organic groups permissions355455
18025Per User Block331113
18026ASYNC Drupal333332
18027Australian postcodes333333
18028Live Coverage323222
18029File View Access343343
18030Gallery Assist Comments354454
18031farmOS Fungi (Mushroom module)33311111111
18032Content Type Administration by Organic Group333333
18033Haystack Instant Search333333
18034Views RSS: SmartNews333223
18036Open Flash Chart 2 API322246
18037Telega (create telegram bot)332354
18038Mobile App Generator333335
18040Bulk migrate taxonomy terms333433
18041Site Search 360334344
18042Uber Publisher Breaking News333333
18043Views Type Block345244
18044All in one mini-features324445
18047CiviCRM Certify333334
18048Views COntent SCroll from EVerywhere335233
18050Commerce Logistra322223
18051Mammoth (convert .docx to html)334232
18052Auto user role332333
18055Virtual Patient300000
18056Commerce Statistic345556
18057Inline Details333333
18058S3 Zip Image Upload332232
18059Semantic UI Omega323343
18060LDAP User Roles Export334434
18061AI prompt engineering362423
18062Services Legal322212
18063Video duration formatter302220
18064Commerce LiqPayAPI333333
18065Track file downloads322222
18066Adhoc Key/Value Meta-Data333222
18067Advanced Exposed Forms344444
18068Entity conditional fields (deprecated)323222
18069PagosOnline for Ubercart334343
18071Kiyoh Rating332222
18073Nodequeue viewmode selection334444
18075Sticky preview313223
18076AdvAgg Search & Replace324344
18077Email Captcha333333
18078ECA Message332222
18079Setting entities333322
18081Marketo Form Field332223
18082Custom reports344334
18083Node export entity referece344354
18085Wrapped Sites333343
18086Commerce FinDock333334
18087Views Fusion335443
18089Bassets Stream Wrapper333333
18090CiviCRM Search API Exclude Deleted Contact333433
18091Media JWPlatform356655
18092Salesforce Term Reference334433
18093Datadog Metrics332322
18094Outdated Translation333333
18095Social feed field334354
18096Activity Calendar324444
18097Comment Login322222
18098VIN Field312221
18099Replace markup333333
