This page summarizes the usage of all projects on For each week beginning on the given date the figures show the number of sites that reported they are using (any version of) the project. Detailed usage information for each release of a project is available by clicking the project name.

These statistics are incomplete; only Drupal websites using the Update Status module are included in the data. This module has been included with the download of Drupal since version 6.x so the data does not include older sites. Read more information about how these statistics are calculated.

#ProjectApr 7, 2024sort ascendingMar 31, 2024Mar 24, 2024Mar 17, 2024Mar 10, 2024Mar 3, 2024
15901Acquia ACSF backup manager677977
15902Comment Revision UI666676
15903Link Meta Display Filter666562
15904MD WordsCloud656775
15906mailmon - email volume monitoring647756
15907Commerce Transbank Webpay667777
15908Gdrive Sync666775
15909Currency Fixer.io646444
15910Nodequeue Scheduling676667
15911Base64 Image Clean677777
15912Core translation import666587
15914UC Discount Framework687666
15915Cache Flush655666
15916Gem CheckList645555
15917TS Admin Base Theme689744
15918Novel Delights6786610
15919Tome Add Paths645340
15920Content Reports667777
15921CSS Background Animation6786618
15922User reference selection access666677
15923Views Pretty Path6116556
15924Picked Fresh632122
15925Snoobi web analytics687796
15926Bean Status (published/unpublished)666766
15927Custom BodyClass 403 404678797
15928Trailless Menu663445
15929Simple Slim API6565910
15930Contacts Admin Theme657766
15931Edit Own Unpublished656557
15932Views Menu Relationship669788
15933Sendgrid headers666666
15934jQuery Twitter Search677887
15935Real Estate Manager6986712
15936Facetapi Merge Options6651211
15937Support Mail666665
15938JSONLD simple68910810
15939Generic Field Weight665555
15940ScrollReveal JS676573
15942Cross Clone685468
15943Comment edited676667
15945Private File Auto Redirect665655
15946Trinion CRM655240
15948Bulk Files Upload657666
15949Paragraphs WYSIWYG677666
15950AMP Carousel676778
15951Token Link667575
15952Layout Library668777
15953Array Tokens666867
15954Livethemer Base677788
15955Field Empty Text67881110
15956Video Embed Metacafe677111010
15957Content Type Dependency6107768
15958My Admin Toolbar666657
15959Entity Association635433
15960Elfsight Twitter Feed665675
15961Simple SEO preview666455
15962Envolve Chat6667710
15963RBK Money656668
15965Private Conversation656657
15967Dependency Status644555
15968Media Library Translate 6111281843
15969Content Panels687665
15970Field taxonomy667677
15971Sphinx Search555545
15972External Entities BrAPI storage584456
15973Path Blacklist556668
15974JSON Content535445
15975Surveygizmo Drupal5113678
15976Views: Flipboard566564
15977CKEditor Autosave565766
15978Light Category Block577897
15980User Reference Access556666
15981Duplicate Mail575555
15983Context Per OG534343
15985Private Message Invites5871099
15988CTools Token Access554454
15989Entity Reference Guards556455
15990Manifest file555555
15991Entity edit redirect544433
15992Event Registration534456
15993Sector Layout500000
15994Click Thru Tracking544454
15996reCAPTCHA Preloader542546
15997AI Utilities561400
15998Date specific permissions555445
15999CKEditor Alert Notification554434
16000Artificial Intelligence Images Generator543246
