The Hier. Select module ( implements its own version of free-tagging by allowing users to add new tags. If you could enable Unitag to place nicely with Hier. Select, you'd be golden. Right now, Unitag seems to require standard free-tagging to be enabled, per _unitag_get_vocabularies(). If enabled for a vocab, Hier. Select turns off the free-tagging selection.

Here's the vision: Hier Select presents a very nice interface (and extensible config) for entering new tags and categorizing them. Unitag then plays a role in the "back end", allowing the admin to approve of new terms applied by users, sanitizing tags, handling related-term insertion, etc. But Unitag & Hier Select need to inter-operate.


mgenovese’s picture

Issue tags: +hierarchial select

Tagging this post appropriately

Zen’s picture

I am happy to look at patches.

YesCT’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
Issue tags: -hierarchial select +Hierarchical Select

Hierarchial Select (with capitals) is the more common term. changing to that so the lesser used one (with all lowercase) can be deleted.