ulogin 7.x-1.9

New features

Added #1624896: HTTPS support
Changed from $.getScript to $.ajax so that the browser can cache the ulogin.js script

ulogin 6.x-1.3

New features

Added #1624896: HTTPS support
Changed from $.getScript to $.ajax so that the browser can cache the ulogin.js script

ulogin 7.x-1.8

New features
Bug fixes

Added missing phone number token
Rewrote tokens code to base off field list
Fix for #1537652: "undefined index: network" from time to time

ulogin 7.x-1.7

Bug fixes

Removed ulogin widget loading type setting - now it will always load asynchronously
Added check to initialize widget only once
Made ulogin_username module not hidden

ulogin 6.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Removed ulogin widget loading type setting - now it will always load asynchronously
Added check to initialize widget only once

ulogin 6.x-1.0

New features

Added report showing counts of uLogin identities grouped by authentication provider.

ulogin 7.x-1.6

New features

Added hook_ulogin_username_alter() and ulogin_username submodule to force 'first_name last_name' username pattern.
Added report showing counts of uLogin identities grouped by authentication provider.

ulogin 6.x-1.0-rc6

New features

Added new submodule that implements hook_ulogin_username_alter(). It makes uLogin to create users using 'first_name last_name' username pattern.

ulogin 6.x-1.0-rc5

New features

Added hook_ulogin_username_alter() - to allow altering the username for a user being created.

ulogin 7.x-1.5

New features

Rewrote display name altering functionality: now it uses tokens + allows to override Real name pattern for users created by uLogin

ulogin 6.x-1.0-rc4

New features

Implemented realname setting for node and comment authors -so that if these users are created by uLogin then their realname is "first_name last_name"

ulogin 6.x-1.0-rc3

New features

Contains all the features of 7.x-1.3 (see project page) except for Rules and email_confirm integrations.

ulogin 7.x-1.3

New features

Added setting to remove password fields from user profile edit form for users created by uLogin

ulogin 7.x-1.2

New features

Delayed (async) loading of ulogin.js
Rules integration - condition to check if user account was created by uLogin + two events: adding and deleting uLogin identity
Email Change Confirmation integration - faking the email change if the email wasn't provided by auth provider and entered manually

ulogin 6.x-1.0-rc1

New features

Token integration
Realname dependency and integration
Feature complete version, will turn into stable if no bugs are revealed in several days.

ulogin 7.x-1.0

New features

Added advanced setting to specify auth providers as a string of keys, separated by commas - it allows to change the order of providers.
API change - now providers and fields of ulogin_widget element should be strings and not arrays.
Added 4 more auth providers, supported by uLogin.

ulogin 6.x-1.0-beta1

New features

First release for Drupal 6, basically working (login, manage identities);
no tokens, no realname integration

ulogin 7.x-1.0-rc3

New features
Bug fixes

Added 5 more auth providers supported by uLogin
Fixed wrong registration form FORM_ID used: changed 'user_register' to 'user_register_form'
Empowered user admins ('administer users' permission) to see the information for uLogin identities (previously, it was available only for 'administer site configuration')

ulogin 7.x-1.0-rc1

New features

Added user picture saving if pictures are enabled for user profiles.
For now all the planned features are implemented and working.

ulogin 7.x-1.0-beta5

New features

Full cycle of identities management - add, delete, replace the identity used for initial account creation.
Implemented hook_user_delete() - to delete identities tied to the user being deleted.
Some minor changes to admin UI.

ulogin 7.x-1.0-beta4

New features

New feature - connect several uLogin identities to one account

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