I have a view of Orders, and one of the fields I'm using is the "Ubercart payment: Received date". I've noticed, however, that if there are more than one payments on an order, it causes that order to be listed once for each payment in the view of Orders. So I'm seeing the same order listed multiple times.

Would it be difficult to add a "Group multiple values" option to the Ubercart payment fields provided by uc_views, similar to the option available in CCK fields that can have multiple values?

The goal would be to print all the Payment fields out as an unordered (or ordered) list in the SAME row, so that each Order only appears once in the list.

For the time being, I'm using Views' "Distinct" option, to remove the duplicate order rows, but this is not ideal because a) it adds to the query time, and b) it only displays the FIRST payment that is made on the order, and discards all the rest.


marcus178’s picture

Did you find a way of doing this as I'm looking to do something similar for products i.e for each order it will show a list of products ordered rather than creating duplicate rows.