I would like to have uc_views support marketplace for D6/UC 2 , so I can give each seller a view of their orders, that can then be downloaded via views bonus pack's csv export. There is a possibility for paid support on this. Thanks, please contact me.


odizle’s picture

Hey, i am trying to do the same thing, did you have any luck doing that? would love some help.

zkrebs’s picture

In my sandbox experiment, which never went live, I set up a different view display (for export), for each Vendor which had a field filtering to order products with their vendor id, which i set up in the SKU (VID_PID_xxxxx). I never got to find out how to make it secure, I assumed I would set the permissions to each view to be accessible to that vendors drupal account, so they could login and download. How would they come back and mark each order as shipped? Manually, at this point.

I decided to leave Ubercart to redo my dev on Drupal Commerce. I asked a lot of the same questions here, http://drupal.org/node/990204