So I can't seem to get the edit page to work properly for non-admin users. I've turned on almost every possible permission that could pertain to Hotel-booking/ubercart. For one, I dont' get the little jquery room names to come up for selection, just get the little throbber. If I input the exact correct name, it will work, but thats not really a workable situation. I am also getting this error, sometime just one, somtimes a whole bunch in a row.

user warning: Column 'nid' in field list is ambiguous query: SELECT DISTINCT nid, title, language FROM node n INNER JOIN node_access na ON na.nid = n.nid WHERE (na.grant_view >= 1 AND ((na.gid = 0 AND na.realm = 'all') OR (na.gid = 2 AND na.realm = 'nodeaccess_rid') OR (na.gid = 4 AND na.realm = 'nodeaccess_rid') OR (na.gid = 6 AND na.realm = 'nodeaccess_rid') OR (na.gid = 78 AND na.realm = 'nodeaccess_uid') OR (na.gid = 78 AND na.realm = 'nodeaccess_author'))) AND ( type = 'hotel_room_type' AND status = 1 AND title LIKE '%d%') in /home/heartwoo/public_html/sites/all/modules/uc_hotel/hotel_booking/ on line 472.

Everything works great in the Admin account. but can't seem to make it work for non-admins.

thanks much!!


larowlan’s picture

ah never tested this with node access modules turned on.
You need to alter the query so that the SELECT DISTINCT nid becomes SELECT DISTINCT n.nid

butteryak’s picture

yeah I just noticed that. that takes care of the error. it does not seem to help the room select issue. The only way it seems to work, is if I have "administer nodes" under Node Module in permissions. then it works. interesting.