Provides integration typed.js library as a filter for WYSIWYG text format.

typed.js is a JavaScript Typing Animation Library and original JS library development credits stay with Matt Boldt

Install and manage dependencies via composer

1. Install the module itself :
composer require drupal/typedjs_filter

2. Install wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin :
composer require wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin

3. Edit your "merge-plugin" section under "extra" in your *root* composer.json so it looks like:

  "extra": {
    "merge-plugin": {
      "include": [

Beware to change the path to your contrib module folder if under web or docroot for instance

4. Run a locked update:
composer update --lock

Install and manage dependencies the old way

1. Download and unzip typedjs module from
and place it into /modules/contrib folder.

2. Download and unzip typedjs from
and place it into /libraries folder so the following path exists


1. Move to /admin/config/content/formats.
2. Edit the desired text format.
3. Enable the typedjs filter.
4. Configure the filter options and save.


1. In your wysiwyg editor, add the following text:
[typedjs]This is first|Second|Another string[/typedjs]

Project information
