Hmm, I'm back on the Table Wizard trail again.

Say I've got two related tables - one a book, one author title. Author title has has two columns authortitleID and authortitleTITLE - values might be '1' and 'Mr' for example.

book.authortitle relates to authortitle.authortitleID os might contain the value of 1.

I set up a relationship of (base table) book.authortitle to (related) authortitle.authortitleID (automatic).

I suppose in the view I then expect to see 'Mr' or whatever the value the authortitle.authortitleID which is fairly stupid I guess.

Anyone happy to (please) explain the fundamental error I'm making?

What I want to see in the view is 'Mr' rather than '1'.


Chemtox’s picture

You probably need to edit the view (Admin menu > Site building > Views) and add your authortitleTITLE field to it. Though that's taking normalization a bit to the extreme, ;) you'd probably be better with a Book and a Author tables, with the author title as plain text ("Mr") in the Author table, right before the name. No need for a title id, an author id will suffice. But you probably realized all this by now, cheers!