trash 3.0.3

Bug fixes
New features

Contributors (4)

amateescu, dealancer, penyaskito, swentel


Issues: 4 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.0.2:

trash 3.0.2

Bug fixes

Contributors (1)



Issues: 1 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.0.1:


  • #3417931 by mediabounds: Receiving a TypeError in Trash 3.0.1

trash 3.0.1

Bug fixes

Contributors (5)

EZKG, TwoD, amateescu, lawxen, mediabounds


Issues: 4 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.0.0:

trash 3.0.0

New features

Contributors (3)

amateescu, kala4ek, penyaskito


Issues: 4 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.0.0-beta7:

trash 3.0.0-beta7

Bug fixes
New features

Contributors (5)

TwoD, amateescu, andreic, josebc, kala4ek


Issues: 7 issues resolved.

Changes since 3.0.0-beta6:

trash 3.0.0-beta6

Bug fixes

Fixes the compatibility with the latest core patches.

trash 3.0.0-beta4

Bug fixes
New features
  • Added support for purging deleted content.
  • Added support for custom menu links (when the Workspaces Menu submodule is installed)
  • The Trash listing controller no longer depends on the entity type's list builder, so it is now available for entity types that don't have a list builder.
  • Added forward compatibility with a few Drupal core patches.

trash 3.0.0-beta3

Bug fixes

Changes since 3.0.0-beta2:


  • Update function signature to match Drupal 10.1.x.
  • Fix not being to enable/disable trash support on config import.

trash 3.0.0-beta2

Bug fixes

Add a random suffix to the generated class name so they can be regenerated (and reloaded by PHP) in the same request.

trash 3.0.0-beta1

Bug fixes

Changes since 3.0.0-alpha7:

  • Deleting the trash-generated storage classes in hook_cache_flush() is too late.
  • Add support for the custom deletion message on delete multiple forms.
  • Fix test coverage.

trash 3.0.0-alpha6

New features

Allow users to view deleted entities and provide a visual feedback when viewing them.

trash 3.0.0-alpha4

Bug fixes

Temporary fix: swap the entity type manager class instead of decorating it. This will be reverted when we require Drupal 10.

trash 3.0.0-alpha3

New features

- Change the description message on entity delete forms to say that they've been moved to the trash and can be restored.

trash 3.x-dev

Bug fixes
New features

Trash 3.x development release.

trash 5.x-1.0

Security update

Security update for bugfix by cwgordon7

trash 6.x-1.1

Security update

Security update for bugfix by cwgordon7

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